“…could not recommend him more highly to anyone looking to help facilitate deeper connections, both professionally and personally”

Matthew - Snap Inc, ANZ Senior Manager

Speaking & Workshops

From supporting workplaces to decrease heightened stress and manage change fatigue, to building inclusive cultures that fuel creativity and build real-world team connection.

Our workshops and programs draw from high performance principles of human physiology and neurology, through to the essential inclusion of energ increasing practises.

These experiences focus on upleveling each individual, to drive overall growth.

Circle: Unlocking a culture of Innovation, Belonging & Growth

  • Unlock innovation and growth for your team by building a culture that truly supports each individual's strengths.

    Circle, an ancient listening and storytelling practice, can help create deeper team connections, real inclusion, safety, and clarity.

    Don't let great talent go to waste – implementing a Circle can be a game-changer for your team's performance, culture, and growth.

    Join leading organisations in using this practice to achieve your mission and create a workplace that supports both the individual and the team.

    • Deeper team connection: Encourages a stronger sense of team and appreciation for each other’s gifts.

    • Real inclusion and safety: Creates a safe space where everyone's ideas and opinions are valued and heard, promoting a culture of inclusivity.

    • Clarity and imagination: Helps team members gain clarity about their goals and visions, and encourages them to think creatively.

    • Chance to see the bigger picture: Allows team members to step back and lean into a bigger picture, potentially helping to reorient focus towards organisational goals and mission.

    • Improved performance, culture, and growth: By fostering a positive and collaborative workplace culture, this program can lead to better team performance, growth, and an overall improved company culture.

  • Tailored to your organisations requirements. Please reach out to us so we can connect and discuss how this may best be fitted to your organisation.


Staff Wellbeing : Optimising Energy & Mindset for greater care

  • A Six to 12 week program designed to increased the overall wellbeing of all participants.

    Combining personalised guidance around movement, nutrition, stress management and lifestyle coaching - this program improves the state of each individual member and then through the inclusion of group based facilitation allows teams growth to occur.

    • Improved Energy: Participants commonly report greater energy throughout the day

    • Decreased Stress: Having the ability and research supported tools to better reduce and manage stress when needed.

    • Improved presenteeism and absenteeism: Improvements in energy, stress and movement report stronger work appearances from individuals before vs after implementation.

    • Greater culture of care: By fostering a positive and collaborative workplace culture, this program can lead to better team performance, growth, and an overall improved company culture.

  • Tailored to your organisations requirements. Please reach out to us so we can connect and discuss how this may best be fitted to your organisation.


  • “Before I would wake up with these migraines, feeling so weighed down. Now the migraines are just released – I just don’t think about them anymore. I just feel fresh”

    ~ Jane

    “My posture has changed. My neck and shoulders have completely released and I feel taller – And when I’m standing – the pressure is out of my back! Everything was just so simple”

    ~ Mark


    “I don’t collapse on the couch when I get home anymore! When I get home I haven’t been snapping at the kids as much, I’ve been able to be more present with them without feeling so rushed”

    ~ Susan


    “I’ve just been surprised how enthusiastic everyone is during the program, it makes me so happy to see that. People are making slow changes, but they feel like long term changes not ones that aren’t going to last, and everyone is making them”

    ~ Annie


    “There has been more conversations at work about all of this stuff and people have been checking in on each other. We are all talking about it together. We are looking out for one another”

    ~ Christine


    “I love bread. I could eat it every meal – but now I haven’t been thinking about it. I have so much more energy”

    ~ Danielle


    “I’ve just got more energy, much much more. I’ve learnt so much – This is a new me.

    I know myself and don’t usually do these things. But now? I do. I wake up early with ease, my husband sees me, and I’m just happy about myself”

    ~ Grace

Matthew Coote

Seniors Manager, ANZ Snap Inc

“Over the past 6 months we have had the privilege of inviting Hiram into our business to help facilitate + empower deeper connection within our team.

Working with individual teams who have been struggling with change fatigue, heightened stress and managing ambiguity, Hiram was able to create a space where people felt safe and willing to share stories with their colleagues.

As a manager I am passionate about finding new ways to facilitate connection as part of my team’s culture and working closely with Hiram, I’ve experienced first hand the positive impact his work can have - it’s real and tangible.

I’ve feel very grateful for Hiram’s support and could not recommend him more highly to anyone looking to help facilitate deeper connections, both professionally and personally.

Thank you Hiram”

  • Australian International School Hong Kong

    “We engaged Hiram to work with a group of our students and were thrilled with how the kids engaged. We were worried about the kids wellbeing during covid and this was such a great way to help support them. Not only were they all taking part but he found a way to get them moving while also challenging them with fun, unique activities. Our only regret is that we didn’t get him to come in at the beginning of the term and not the end - Thank you!”

    Rose Millington - Year 5 Co-ordinator

  • Wellbeing Program

    “I’ve just got more energy, much much more. I’ve learnt so much – This is a new me. I know myself and don’t usually do these things. But now? I do. I wake up early with ease, my husband sees me, and I’m just happy about myself”

    Grace - Wellbeing Program Participant.

Some of the organisations Wise has worked with

  • Snap Chat

  • NSW Health

  • Orana Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre

  • International Advanced Association of Dentistry

  • Australian International School Hong Kong

  • Bear Cottage

Contact me to speak in your company

Each company is different and it may be worth exploring what areas and focus yours is trying to build. Fill out the form attached and we can arrange a time to discuss what will suit best.